John T. Peters is revolutionizing Main Street USA by combining his entrepreneurial grit with digital innovation, and corporate structure to provide unique, strategic solutions for growth.


John T. Peters is revolutionizing Main Street USA by combining his entrepreneurial grit with digital innovation, and corporate structure to provide unique, strategic solutions.

It’s time to redefine growth leadership for businesses of all sizes.

Discover innovative solutions to foster a collaborative culture, implement key strategic partnerships, and drive sustainable growth.

Marketing on Main Street is an essential guide for how to grow your small business, with candid anecdotes and easy-to-adopt steps

Chances are you’ve spent countless hours, buried under mounds of work and things to do to OPERATE your small business, let alone doing the things that will GROW your small business. It’s time to fix that and Marketing on Main Street is the solution.

Marketing on Main Street - the book, by John T. Peters

The Art of Creating Winning Strategic Partnerships is a step-by-step guide to conceptualizing and implementing successful strategic partnerships.

Sure, you could try and tackle growing your business on your own. But think about this; as you sit and evaluate your challenges, I assure you someone is sitting in an office not far from you, with the same exact challenges. Why not partner up, tackle the problems you’re both facing, and do so faster, cheaper, and with less risk? I promise creating winning strategic partnerships isn’t as hard as you think.

Greek Proverbs and Sayings is a whimsical look at the wisdom of ancient and modern Greeks.

Having grown up in a large Greek family, John never got a straight answer from his father to his queries. Instead, he got quotes of Greek proverbs and more modern Greek sayings, and told to “think about that!” In this book, Peters and co-author, Pamela Dovellos, share hundreds of such quotes along with what they mean and when they heard them. If you enjoyed the movie “My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding” you’ll love this book.

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